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It’s Your Campaign

  • This campaign exists FOR YOU and all state employees. Providing an opportunity to support charities and causes you care about.
  • There are 777 charities eligible for contributions through the SECC this year.

It’s Easy

  • The SECC makes it EASY to give with confidence because the eligible charities are reviewed annually by the State Advisory Committee.

It’s Convenient

  • You can search charities by keyword online and read more about their programs at the NC SECC website.
  • Pledge now and pay next year– Payroll deductions makes it easier to afford a more generous gift, allowing you to make smaller payments from each paycheck.

Quality & Choice

  • Charities serving NC must apply annually to ensure they meet stringent requirements before they are deemed eligible for donations.
  • SECC regulations require that less than 25% of a charity’s overall revenue can be applied to fundraising and administrative costs.


  • NO STATE MONIES are used to administer the campaign.
  • No more than 10% of the prior year’s campaign total may be used to support the campaign expenses.
  • Charities devote minimal resources to apply for eligibility.
  • Designated charities receive one check quarterly for multiple donations.
  • Charities that receive SECC donations may devote their SECC funds to areas where they are needed most. That’s a value-add for the donor AND the charity.